

Privacy Policy
Information on Data Processing in the Application Procedure

We hereby inform you about the processing of your personal data by Matrix42 GmbH and your rights under data protection law.

Who is responsible for data processing and who is the data protection officer?

The entity responsible for data processing is
Matrix42 GmbH
Elbinger Str. 7
60487 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 667738220
Email: info@matrix42.com

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer:
Bugl & Kollegen GmbH
Alexander Bugl
Sedanstraße 7
93055 Regensburg
E-Mail: Alexander.Bugl@matrix42.com

What personal data do we collect and where does it come from?

As part of the application process, we process the following personal data:
– Your personal details (such as first name, last name, name affixes, date of birth)
– Work permit/residence title, if applicable
– Contact details (e.g., private address, (mobile) phone number, email address)
– Skill data (e.g., specific knowledge and skills)

Your personal data is generally collected directly from you during the recruitment process, particularly from the application documents, the interview, and the personnel questionnaire. We also process personal data that we have lawfully obtained from publicly accessible sources (e.g., professional networks).

For what purposes and on what legal basis is data processed?

We process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Primarily, the data processing serves to establish an employment relationship. The primary legal basis for this is Art. 88 (1) GDPR in conjunction with Section 26 (1) of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

Your data will only be processed to fill the specific position for which you have applied. If you wish to be included in our applicant pool in the event of a rejection, we require your consent. If your application is to be considered for other open positions within the company/group, we also require your consent.

How long will your data be stored?

In the event of hiring, we will transfer your application documents to your personnel file. After the employment relationship ends, we will continue to store the personal data that we are legally required to retain. This typically results from legal documentation and retention obligations, which are regulated in the German Commercial Code (HGB) and the Fiscal Code (AO). The retention periods can be up to ten years. Additionally, personal data may be retained for the period during which claims can be made against us (statutory limitation period of three or up to thirty years).

In the event of a rejection, your application documents will be deleted no later than six months after the completion of the application process unless you have given us consent for longer storage (applicant pool).

Who will receive your data?

Within our company, only those individuals and departments (e.g., relevant department, works council) involved in the decision-making process regarding your employment will receive your personal data.

Are external services used on our career website?

Yes, our career website integrates external services that are necessary for certain functionalities. These include:

  • Matomo Analytics: A web analytics service that helps us analyze and improve user behavior on our website. Matomo operates without the use of cookies, and the data is evaluated anonymously.

  • Cookie Consent by Osano: A consent management tool that ensures that user consent for setting cookies is properly obtained.

Further information about these services and their use can be found in our full privacy policy on our website.

What rights do you have as a data subject?

You have the rights under Articles 15 – 21 GDPR:
– Right to information (Art. 15 GDPR)
– Right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR)
– Right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR)
– Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR)
– Right to object to processing (Art. 21 GDPR)
– Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR)

Please contact Datenschutz@matrix42.com for this purpose.

Where can you file a complaint?

You have the option to file a complaint with the above-mentioned data protection officer or with a data protection supervisory authority. The supervisory authority responsible for us is:
The Hessian Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Postfach 3163
65021 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 611 1408 - 0

Will your data be transferred to a third country?

We do not transfer your application data to third countries.

Are you required to provide your data?

To consider your application, we need the personal data from you that is necessary for making a decision on the establishment of an employment relationship.

To what extent are automated individual decisions or profiling measures used?

We do not use purely automated processing to make a decision.

If you have any further questions about data protection in relation to your application at Matrix42, please contact Datenschutz@matrix42.com.